The lastest tournament are display on the home page below. Click on the heading for more information or go to the menu under "Results\Tournaments".
STARTS on 9 December
With Christmas drawing closer, Holiday Bridge will start on 9 December and will run on Monday evenings, Tuesday afternoons, and Friday afternoons with a break over the Christmas / New Year period.
Holiday Bridge will run through to end of January. Don't worry if you don't have a partner - rock on up and we will pair people up!
The next Holiday Bridge dates are:
Closed - from 15 Dec to 5 Jan.
Monday 6 January 7pm
Tuesday 7 January 1pm
Friday 10 January 1pm
Monday 13 January 7pm
Tuesday 14 January 1pm
Friday 17 January 1pm
Monday 20 January 7pm
Tuesday 21 January 1pm
Friday 24 January 1pm
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to play. What this space for any updates.
Friday 24 January - Monday 27 January
The annual Tauranga Mini Congress tournaments are running from Friday 24 January through to Monday 27 January over the Anniversary weekend.
The weekend kicks off with "Walkin Pairs" on Friday 24 January at 1pm. This is also our last session of Holiday Bridge. The costs is the usual table money of $7. You don't need to register - rock on up. (Please arrive by 12:45)
This is followed by the:
25 Jan Waikato-Bays Provincial 10A Pairs
25 Jan Tauranga Restricted 8B Pairs
26 Jan Open 10A Teams
27 Jan Consolation 3A Pairs
Registration is essential for these tournaments. Entries close at midday Thursday 23 January.