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2022 Bridge Lessons

Beginner’s Lessons start each year in March and finish mid June.  The Mount Maunganui club members are welcome to join us for these lessons.  
The 2022 lessons start on:

  • Tuesday 8 March 7:15pm @ Tauranga Bridge Club

On completion of lessons, beginners will then be able to choose to join either Tauranga Bridge Club or the Mount Maunganui Bridge Club for the remainder of the year. You will then be able to play bridge on the 'Junior' evenings will be held at the following times: 

  • Tauranga Bridge Club - Wednesday evenings. Arrive at 6.45. Play starts at 7pm.
  • Mount Maunganui Bridge Club - Monday evenings (play starts at 7pm)

Please contact Mike (021 118 1294) or the club office (07 576 5022) for further information.  Click here to listen to the radio advert for lessons   

To register, please contact the club office (576 5022) or click here to email us

What is this game called Bridge ?

Bridge is a game a little like Five Hundred, and is derived from a card game called Whist.  It involves two partnerships playing against each other to win tricks and gain points.

There are two parts to each hand of Bridge – the bidding and the play.  During the bidding each pair decides if they would like to have a trump suit or if they would to play the hand without a trump suit (no-trumps).  There are four suits: Clubs  Diamonds  Hearts  and Spades

Once a pair has nominated a contract, they will try to take the required number of tricks.  The other side, known as the defenders, will attempt to defeat the contract.

Points are either given to the pair that chose a suit as trumps, or no trumps if they make the contract.  If the defenders defeat the contract, the defenders will score the points.

The language of Bridge is rich in colloquialisms, including terms such as The Beer Card, Duck, Finesse, Hook, Kibitzer, Sacrifice, Squeeze and Stiff.

At the end of each session of Bridge, your scores are compared with the scores of the other players.  The luck of being dealt 'good' hands is therefore removed.  Other players will have the same cards as you - it is therefore a comparison of how well you did with the cards that matters.

Bridge Pamphlet

2022 Bridge Lessons

Posted: Friday 4 March 2022

             Club Session Times

Seated by Starts Grades
Monday 6:45 pm 7:00 pm All grades
Tuesday 12:45 pm 1:00 pm All grades
Wednesday (evening) 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Novice & Junior
Thursday (social) 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Social
Thursday  6:45 pm 7:00 pm All grades
Friday 12:45 pm 1:00 pm All grades

Sunday - Monthly 
(3rd Sunday of the month)

13:15 pm 1:30 pm All grades

                    Please be seated 15 minutes before the start of play

                    Visitors welcome.

                   >> click here to find a partner 

If you wish to contact someone about this website click here to email  the Club



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