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Changes to the Ladders calculations

Changes to the Ladders calculations

Please note:The Ladder calculations have changed and instead of points being awarded to the top 5 places for every event, we are now using the NZB Masterpoints system. The numbers on the Ladder are the accumulated C points awarded for every session.  In the past, we could only calculate the ladder points for pairs, but from 2019 onwards, Teams events will also be added to the Ladder.  Points may be awarded further down the field than the old system. if there are a lot of tables or not so far down if there are a few tables. We consider this to be a fairer system and will be very easy for us to calculate, rather than rely on a very manual process we used in the past.  We hope you approve of these changes.

Click here to view the ladders

Posted: Sunday 10 March 2019

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